I’m serving up this gin cocktail recipe.

Hello from second draft land. It is different here and I’m still trying to figure out what the hell I’m doing. Getting the editing process organized has been job one, and it is taking a long time. Hemingway is famously quoted as saying “write drunk, edit sober,” but then again, as Fitzgerald always said, “do we have any straws for my gin? I need my hands free for my book.” And now we have The Great Gatsby!

It’s World Gin Day today, the Internet tells me, and to celebrate this very important holiday and the entire second draft business like F. Scott Fitzgerald on a Tuesday, here is a cocktail recipe for all of you writers deep in edits out there. Cheers.

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I’m still recovering from wedding planning.

Sometimes I blog about writing my novel. And sometimes I blog about not writing it. Per this latter category, a thing I did last year instead of writing a novel was plan a wedding. With about a year of recovery under my (grosgrain ribbon) belt now, I can finally talk about it.

If you love kissing your partner in public on cue and hate your money, then a wedding is for you! Here’s what to expect…

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