I’m still recovering from wedding planning.

Sometimes I blog about writing my novel. And sometimes I blog about not writing it. Per this latter category, a thing I did last year instead of writing a novel was plan a wedding. With about a year of recovery under my (grosgrain ribbon) belt now, I can finally talk about it.

If you love kissing your partner in public on cue and hate your money, then a wedding is for you! Here’s what to expect…

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GrubStreet or bust.

Sarcasm and Snark are the peanut butter and jelly that gum together this blog. And also my life. But let’s get (sort of) serious for a second. I actually did something productive for my writing this summer: I took my first workshop at GrubStreet.

For a while after the class ended, I was so high on the thrill of positive momentum that on two occasions in one weekend I blurted out to a couple creative acquaintances of mine that I’m working on a book, and I didn’t (immediately) shame spiral.

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